Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

Technology for Women

Jonathan Blum

We don’t usually associate technology with any gender, but brands are increasingly offering products and services aimed specifically at women. Since technology provides innovative solutions to current problems, it would be absurd not to involve women as they represent half of the world’s population, and their purchasing power is on the rise. The Harvard Business Review estimates marketing efforts aimed at women, offer more financial opportunities than India and China put together.

Technology has evolved over past few years to such a degree that personalization and gender now play an important role when developing products. Major companies have gone from offering pink items, to reinterpreting technological solutions that help the modern woman. Below are three products I think are an example of how you can get incredible results by combining technology and creativity:

  1. Women-only transportation: For over three years, women have used UBER-like services operated by and created exclusively for women. Pink services such as Laudrive, Sara Conductoras and Chariot for Women, have had a significant impact on markets and are becoming more popular all over the world, providing a personalized product that allows users feel safer.
  2. Items made for women’s bodies: Personalization is the mother of consumerism, and has driven the design of clothing that adapt to women’s physical features and esthetic preferences. From products such as Kashmir, a backpack that molds perfectly to a woman’s  bone structure and needs, to Victoria Secret’s “The Player” smart bra – both providing interesting options for women seeking comfort and items that adapt to their wishes.
  3. Gadgets to report emergencies: After trying out several GPS’s, Cheryl Kellond decided to create one just for female athletes, and launched Bia, an innovative mechanism that sends SMS’s and geographic coordinates to two of your contacts if you’re in danger. The product helps women feel safe when exercising in isolated areas and has become a safety and mobility ally. Safe Shorts offer lingerie made of the same material used in bullet proof vests with a lock and alarm that activates if anyone tries to remove them forcefully. The creator, Sandra Seilz, came up with the idea after being the victim of an attack.

Women and technology are becoming more relevant in an evolved and informed world, and it’s exciting to see how innovation has shifted its focus to provide tailor-made alternatives to satisfy basic and personalized consumer needs. Now more than ever, growing and evolving has become crucial.